Finding new work

Current employment not suitable? We help you find new work.

Sometimes recovery and returning to work isn’t easy. If you cannot return to work with your pre-injury employer, our team of redeployment experts are ready to help.

Rehabilitation Information for Injured Workers

Under the NSW Worker’s Compensation System, you are entitled to Occupational Rehabilitation if you sustain an injury or illness as a result of your work. The Workers Health Centre is a SIRA NSW accredited Rehabilitation Provider.

As a rehabilitation provider our role is to help you get back to work safely following an injury or illness. We are an independent team of qualified health professionals who can provide specialist services to assist you to return to your fullest potential at work.

The Workers Health Centre has a strong working relationship with 22 affiliated Unions and has provided union members quality rehabilitation and OHS services since 1976.

Useful Links

Comprehensive Vocational Assessments

We provide a comprehensive vocational assessment that helps us determine your position better.

1. Role Identification

We help to identify 3 different roles that may be suitable for you following your injury.

2. Your skillset

We help to identify what skills you have following your injury that you can use in a different role.

3. Your capabilities

We help to identify what physical or psychological capacities, skills, qualifications and interests are required for the role.

4. Available external opportunities

To confirm that there is sufficient labour market demand for the role.

5. Working out the process

We assist to identify what steps need to be taken to assist you to Return to Work in one of those options.

Projected Outcome

The outcome of our vocational assessment is commonly the identification of 3 roles that are considered safe and durable for you to do until the time you are eligible to retire. 

The vocational assessment will outline recommendations regarding retraining (if you are eligible) or skill development that is required for you to secure employment in the option. 

After the vocational assessment the Workers Health Centre can provide job seeking education and job seeking assistance for you, this commonly includes;

Developing an effective up to date resume for you: please provide the names and contact phone numbers of two referees to your consultant at The Workers Health Centre  to complete the resume

Developing a job seeking spiel for you: this is what we say to prospective employer(s) when marketing yourself for employment

Job Seeking Assistance Program

The job seeking education program comprises of several modules including:

  • Information about the Vocational Assessment and Suitable vocational goals
  • Getting in the right “head space” to look for work
  • Networking and unadvertised positions
  • How to obtain an email address if you do not have an email address
  • Registering with internet based job search engines and developing web mails
  • Registering with recruitment agencies
  • How to write an application letter
  • Access to computers if you do not have access to a computer at home
  • Interview skills
  • How to talk about your injury with a new employer or “injury disclosure”
  • The SIRA NSW incentive schemes
  • Dealing with rejection