Referral Form

For Unions or Employers

Thanks for referring us, we have a few tips to make this fairly easy for you.

Try to fill out this form as best as possible however if you do any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

What happens next?

One of our friendly consultants will be in touch. We will then arrange a time to meet with the worker to discuss the background to their injury and plan for their recovery and return to work. We are committed to working together with the worker, their doctor, the insurer and the employer to ensure they get the support they need and the best possible return to work outcome.

1. Initial meeting

First we organise to have a meet and greet with the worker and their employer. If they’re not at work or have no capacity to work, that’s okay, we’ll ask them to pop down to our office.

On our first consultation, we discuss the background to the injury, progress to date and any concerns they may have with their return to work and recovery.

2. What’s possible for you?

We then review the work that they usually do as well as the suitable duties or light duties the employer has available for them while they recover.

This process is very important in planning their return to work and guides the stages we would need to go through to assist them to return to their work in full capacity.

3. On doctor’s orders?

A meeting or case conference with their doctor occurs within a few days of us meeting with them. We discuss with them and their doctor your progress with treatment, their current work ability and hours of work.

We also help address any questions they may have about their recovery and return to work.

At this meeting we also explain to their doctor the duties we may have reviewed and discuss what may be suitable as light duties for them.

4. Review and check

A return to work plan is discussed and used as a reference for what they can do at work, until they have their next review with their doctor.

Often a staged return to work plan is discussed with their doctor that covers a six to eight week time to help them set some goals toward doing a little more at work while they recover.