For Employers

When your employee or staff member gets injured at work and has a workers compensation claim what happens?

This is where we assist employers in guiding, training and establishing best practices to minimise workplace accidents.

We work with you

Working with you and your injured employee
As communication is crucial to the successful management of injuries we work with you and your injured employee to ensure a relationship of trust and care. We maintain this throughout the management of the injury.

We understand the impact and help through medical and rehab aspects
A workplace injury is your responsibility however we also understand the impact this could have on staffing and day to running of a business. Therefore we help you navigate through the medical and rehabilitation aspects of return to work.  Your injured employee is our priority.

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Quick guide on steps to take in managing Workplace injuries

1. Seek Medical Aid

The first and foremost thing you need to do is make sure that your employee is looked after and further injury is out of the way.

Administer required onsite first aid and remove any potential hazards. If need be call an ambulance or inform the employee to seek medical assistance with their treating doctor.

2. Notify WorkCover

You must notify WorkCover immediately. Ensure you document a thorough account of how the injury occurred and what steps were taken in order to seek medical assistance.

3. Notify your Insurer

Contact your insurer and notify them of the injury and complete a workers compensation claim form. This will need to be done within 48 hours of the incident.

Once contacted, you will then supply the completed form along with WorkCover Certificate of Capacity. Ensure to keep copies of all documentation and forms you have filled out. Be sure to fill out the incident in your internal register of injuries.

4. Identify Suitable Duties

When you have an injured worker, the hardest thing is to know what suitable duties your employee can accomplish and do.

This is where Workers Health Centre can assist in recommending and assessing suitable duties.

5. Engage a Rehab Provider

Your insurer will usually refer the injured worker to an external rehabilitation provider based on your ability to manage the injury. However as the employer you are able to recommend the Workers Health Centre. For more information please feel free to contact us.

6. Let Workers Health Center look after the injury management for you

From here onward, we will help you keep informed and liaise with all parties as well as guide you in a successful recovery and return to work for your injured employee.