For Insurers

As an accredited SIRA rehabilitation provider, we provide a wide range of Occupational Rehabilitation Services within the Same Employer and Different Employer sectors.

Our mission is to provide quality worker focused injury management and workplace rehabilitation services which results in workers returning to safe and durable employment.

Why Workers Health Centre is great with Insurers

No insurer panel participation
Due to nature of our organisation we do not tender to participate on any insurer panel. In this way we ensure we provide unbiased and professional rehabilitation services under the same SIRA guidelines that apply to all rehabilitation providers.

Stakeholder negotiations
Our ability to negotiate with all stakeholders is un-paralleled in the industry.

Current management with previous panel provider experience
Our Same Employer and Different Employer managers have both held previous management roles for panel providers.

Lowered premiums and high demands for insurance case managers
As such we are acutely  aware of the high demands faced by the insurance case managers to ensure safe and durable return to work outcomes as well as lowered premiums.  Only consultants staff that a mature and experienced are selected to provide Occupational Rehabilitation Services. As a mandatory requirement all staff meet SIRA guidelines to provide their respective services.

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Service Overview for Insurers

Vocational Assessment

  • We helps the injured worker identify realistic job options
  • Our vocational assessments are completed by qualified, experienced and skilled staff
  • We provide recommendations on appropriate actions to take and help the injured worker find and secure work

Workplace Assessment

  • We conduct workplace reviews of suitable duties / PID’s
  • We can conduct ergonomic Assessment if an office based role
  • We provide detailed analysis of the psychological and physical requirements of the role and barriers that need to be addressed to assist the injured worker
  • Our workplace assessments are completed by an approved physiotherapist or occupational therapist

Functional Capacity Evaluation

  • Our WorkHAB functional capacity evaluation is completed by an approved Psychologist, Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist
  • We provide a detailed analysis of psychological and physical requirements of the role and barriers that need to be addressed to assist with a return to work.
  • We assist with guiding NTD with medical certification

Activities of Daily Living Assessment (ADL)

  • An assessment done within a client’s home by an Occupational Therapist (OT)
  • Includes the assessment of a worker’s ability to carry out basic tasks
  • Identifies strategies to maximise and maintain a worker’s independence
  • Provides an opinion by the OT on the need for equipment or external services (cleaning, lawn mowing), therapeutic aids or home modifications required to support improved function and quality of life
  • Includes functional education within the home